#Faceoftheweek – Omodolapo Dorcas Jayeola

February 23, 2022

In an exclusive interview with Omodolapo Jayeola, granted Bayo speaks as a face of the week. She revealed her background, lifestyle, career, and achievements.

Background Check:

May we get to meet you; who really is Omodolapo Jayeola?

My names are Omodolapo Dorcas Jayeola. I’m a native of Ibadan and I also based there. I’m a mom to a beautiful Daughter. I’m an ambivert. I love writing and I love to stay in my own space, that is barely going out for any reason except it’s very important. I hate cooking, but I love good food, so I cook so that I can eat. Lol!

I’m usually not the quiet type except we are just meeting for the first time.

 I’m an alumni of University of Ilorin where I studied History and International studies. I recently Publicized my first book and currently pursuing a master’s degree in the University of Ibadan.

Can you please tell us about your background?

I grew up in Ibadan and I’m from a family of Five, Two boys and Myself as the only daughter. My family reside in abroad whereas, I’m the only one here in Nigeria

Briefly tell us about your educational background?

I had my secondary school education in the FGGC Ipetumodu.

What do you do for a living?

I work as a brand and Marketing strategist. I help brands especially new ones to know what’s up in the market and the best way to reach their audience through many digital marketing strategies.

When did you know you wanted this job?

When there was no job in Nigeria ooo… LOL! But it’s pertinent to learn a skill now in Nigeria if you don’t want to starve. So I picked up a skill in tech and started making use of it to help brands who are finding sales difficult.

How do you prepare before delivering a speech?

Hehe before my last tv appearance, my friend told me not to prepare. It’s much like me though. I don’t prepare that much. Whatever I’m going to talk about must be something I already have a strength in. I don’t bother if it’s outside my niche. So that way I can flow without having to remember anything I read before or crammed.

What career mistake has given you the biggest lesson?

Mmmm none. All the skills I’ve learnt, every career I dived into helped shape up my life. In which I’m currently living with the knowledge I have right now.

What dream did you have while growing up?

It has to be being a lawyer. I really want to be one, fighting for the rights and needs of people who can’t help themselves.

Can you please tell us about your book “How to keep doing what you love”?

How to keep doing what you love is a book that brings awareness of the importance of having and living a purposeful live. Many people hear about purpose without the deep insight knowledge of how they can find theirs or how to keep living in their Purpose so as to be satisfied in life because they are doing what they love.

What was your first win that made you confident that you were doing the right thing? 

It has to be my book launch. That was fulfilling Purpose for me!

Who is your mentor and why?

Unfortunately, I don’t have one yet. I’m yet to find someone who we share values and someone that I’d like to look up to. However, I’m still on a lookout for one.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Praying, sleeping or writing.

If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

What happens to us after death?

Can you please tell us about the people you admire?

I admire my mom. She’s a superwoman who makes the impossible possible and you don’t even need to understand how. Because it’s just simply how our mothers are wired to always pave ways for us. Whether it’s easy or not.

I love her and I admire her. Same goes to my brother Oladipupo, proud of him and how much he does to show his support for me and my princess.

Are you in a relationship; if yes what advice would you give to young couple out there?

 Although I’m a single Mom and I’m not single.

My biggest advice to anyone out there especially the younger ones trying to be in a relationship is, don’t rush it. It’s something that will always be. Don’t be under pressure from anyone or anywhere to go into a relationship when you’re not ready to. And eventually when you’re ready, ensure it’s a relationship that is purposeful before diving into it.

Are you ever depressed and why?

Severally, but the good thing is that the Holy Spirit helped to take control of it by finding Joy in Christ thereby strengthening me to let go of my hurt.

What are some of your achievements?

Like you already figured, I’m an Author, I have a community service movement called Goal Women Africa. These two and more are great contributors to who Dolapo is currently.

Where do you hope to be in the next four years?

Well, I want to have an effectively running NGO. I see myself being famous, settled and happy. Although fame comes with its own disadvantages but I know I’m someone with many potentials so I’m learning to prepare for that phase.


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